tree with a bat box attached to its trunk


Many of our clients like to use us as a ‘one-stop shop’ to provide the full environmental planning package of trees, landscape and ecology to support their application. By doing this, we can relieve you of the administrative burden of managing three separate disciplines.

This approach also ensures that all three elements of arboriculture, landscape and ecology dovetail seamlessly together and make sense to the planners and on the ground.

We work closely with our ecological partners to provide the following:

  • Carry-out the full suite of habitat and protected species surveys (such as bat surveys)
  • Apply for protected species licences on your behalf
  • Undertake ecological mitigation (such as reptile translocations)
  • Write BREEAM and Code For Sustainable Homes reports
  • Undertake initial appraisals of development sites
  • Provide advice on ecological enhancements within new developments
  • Write site ecological management plans
  • Undertake policy appraisals

Do you have a Tree, Landscape or Ecology Query?


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